Coaxing NYC students back to classrooms: wins and struggles at one Bronx high school

Coaxing NYC students back to classrooms: wins and struggles at one Bronx high school

When New York City high schools reopen on Monday for the first time in four months, the hallways at Alfred E. Smith Career and Technical High School will not be as crowded as they usually are. But they will be more bustling than many other city high schools.

In a typical year, Smith welcomes just under 500 students to its long, squat brick building, just off the Third Avenue and 149th Street stop on the 2 and 5 subway lines in the South Bronx. Next week, more than 40% of students are expected to come back.

That’s about double the citywide percentage of high schoolers expected to return to in-person learning, as the country’s largest school district struggles to convince students to come back to buildings as the coronavirus pandemic drags on.

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